Re-Teck chooses Breda for its new facility for Western European market

The Mayor of Breda, Mr. Paul Depla, revealed the grand opening ceremony of the first Dutch branch of Re-Teck, a member of Li Tong Group which is one of the leading reverse supply chain management solution provider globally, on the 9th of November.

12 November 2018

The Mayor of Breda, Mr. Paul Depla, revealed the grand opening ceremony of the first Dutch branch of Re-Teck, a member of Li Tong Group which is one of the leading reverse supply chain management solution provider globally, on the 9th of November. Together with another two facilities in Dubai and Vienna, Re-Teck covers the EMEA market. The company, located on the Steenakker industrial estate in Breda, specializes in the environmentally friendly processing of used electronic equipment. Re-Teck expects to process 30.000 to 50,000 mobile devices per month into materials suitable for reuse.

European legislation has played an important role in the establishment of the company in Breda. General Manager Edward Tseng gives an example that: “According to EU regulations, from August 15, 2018 onward, manufacturers and importers of mobile devices are set to reach a target line of 75 percent of the devices or equipment sold for recover, and 55 percent for reuse and recycled. This is a huge challenge for our clients, and we would like to support them in dealing with this.

Re-Teck the Netherlands is one of the 25 facilities of the fast-growing Li Tong Group in over 20 countries. The company mainly focuses on but not limited to telecom, electronics, and technology (TET) sectors and provides the reverse supply chain management solutions to manufacturers and importers of, such as, smartphones, tablets, computers/laptops and telecom equipment. Clients are internationally operating renown ICT companies.

“Re-Teck contributes to the sustainable strengthening of the Brabant economy and is a great asset to Breda”, says Eelko Brinkhoff, Director of BOM Foreign Investments. Together with the Netherlands Foreign Investment Agency (NFIA) and REWIN West-Brabant, his agency assisted Re-Teck with establishing their company in Breda.

“E-waste handling has been a growing problem globally. The arrival of Re-Teck is therefore good news for the environment and for the manufacturers and importers of ICT products in the Netherlands, as well as Europe, who can make use of the experience and contacts of the company.”

“In the short term, Re-Teck offers employment for over 20 employees. The expectation is that around 50 or more people will be needed within the next two to three years. Part of the labor force is provided by the ATEA group, the apprenticeship company of the municipality of Breda. And that’s good news for the city.”