Looking for talent? Give refugees a chance

The hidden qualities of people that left everything behind. Bringing their knowledge with them. Knowledge of their field. Insights gained through training and experience. The ability to develop themselves. The urge to be valuable again. If we provide opportunities to these people, this knowledge can be utilized in a great way. Successfully integrated, with a new perspective on his or her own level.

Since 1948, the UAF foundation has been committed to the development of refugee students and professionals, and their integration into the Dutch labor market. This foundation advises and guides students and professionals on their way to a sustainable place in the Dutch labor market. They are demand-driven and offer exactly what is needed for talent to flourish or to pursue a career.
Talent for companies
Many refugees bring a good dose of life experience and talents such as perseverance, entrepreneurship and decisiveness. Moreover, they are almost always multilingual. Qualities that can be valuable to your company or organization. At the same time, it offers these ambitious refugees the opportunity to do what they want most: To build an independent existence and to contribute to society. A win-win situation.
The UAF specializes in counseling refugees with secondary and higher education and their (future) employers. They ensure that the influx of refugee talent runs smoothly. Are you looking for talent and do you want to find out more? Go to www.uaf.nl.