Dutch Design Week Discovery Route

The 20th edition of the Dutch Design Week took place last week in Eindhoven, Brabant. The biggest design event in Northern Europe that presents work and ideas of more than 2600 designers to more than 350,000 visitors from home and abroad. In more than 110 locations across the city, DDW organizes and facilitates exhibitions, lectures, prize ceremonies, networking events, debates and festivities.

On October 21st, the Dutch Design Week Discovery Route took place at TU/e Campus in Eindhoven. Topic of this event: the world of tomorrow and how fast it is approaching. All about multidisciplinary projects that allow us to live more sustainably and get from A to B or cleverly use the abundance of data so that technology becomes our ongoing and smart everyday companion to navigate the future. An inspirational event, in which we offered current investors the opportunity to explore the latest innovations done in the region.
The day started off with the introduction of the Drivers of Change exhibition by Lucas Asselsbergs from Eindhoven University of Technology. Asselsbergs elaborated on the many student projects that were shown at the exhibition. Future mobility, AI for health, sustainable and social living and more.
The day continued with an interesting talk of guest speaker Jan de Jong van Beek en Donk, General Manager New Business Venture at Philips Healthcare ITG. He informed the group about
disruptive innovation in Medtech. In addition, Juno Perinatal Healthcare explained about their mission to improve neonatal healthcare with their innovative products.
This event was organized by Brainport Development, Corporate Venturing Network and the Brabant Development Agency (BOM).