Collaborate to Innovate: Building Bridges between the Netherlands and Japan

By joining forces and leveraging each other's strengths, we can create a brighter future of innovation, pushing the boundaries of technology and driving economic growth. Recognizing this, the Netherlands and Japan recently signed a Memorandum of Cooperation (MoC) during the RVO Innovation Mission to Japan, solidifying their commitment to pushing the boundaries of technology and fostering economic growth. On the picture you see from left to right: Minister Nishimura - Mr. Kadomatsu Takashi, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry - Ms. Astrid Bronswijk, Ministry of Economy and Climate Policy of the Netherlands - Mr. Peter van der Vliet, Ambassador of the Netherlands in Japan.
29 June 2023


From June 19th to 23rd, BOM joined the RVO innovation mission semicon in Japan. Organized by the innovation attaché network, the mission offered a packed and highly interesting program. Alongside visits and discussions with companies like Hitachi, Resonac, NTT, and Mitsubishi, we had the opportunity to explore various research institutions and government bodies.

In the coming months, BOM together with multiple stakeholders continues to define how to further build the relationship with Japan that should lead to a more formalized and concrete collaboration in the field of semiconductors, including specific areas of focus within the industry and joint participation in trade fairs, among other initiatives.

The delegation was truly diverse, representing a comprehensive cross-section of the semicon value chain, complemented by research, academic, and government organizations.

Creating value together

In conclusion, this mission to Japan has laid the foundation for enhanced collaboration and knowledge exchange between the Netherlands and Japan in the field of semiconductors. Let’s embrace the spirit of collaboration and create value together.